
You must have an active Koala account Koala before proceeding. If you don’t have a Koala account, sign up for free.

Reading from HubSpot

Upon connecting Koala to HubSpot’s CRM, Koala will sync all Companies, Deals, and Contacts. Koala will automatically refresh HubSpot CRM every hour, so we always have fresh data about who owns which Companies and which Companies have active Deals attached.

Importing to HubSpot

There are three actions you can take from Koala to manually write data to HubSpot’s CRM:

  1. Import Companies
  2. Import Contacts
  3. Claim Account (rewrite the Company owner to be the current Koala user)

These actions can be enabled/disabled by a Koala admin if you don’t wish to enable writing to HubSpot.

Automating actions into HubSpot (Business Plan)

Every time an intent signal happens for a qualifying list that you specify, there are five actions Koala can automate in HubSpot:

  1. Import Company. Import an Account as a Company in HubSpot if it doesn’t already exist. Supports custom field mappings.

  2. Import Contact. Import a Visitor as a Contact in HubSpot if it doesn’t already exist. (Supports custom field mappings.)

  3. Adding to a Contact List. Adds a Contact to a Contact List.

  4. Create Task. Assign a task to a specific person. (Supports custom subjects, types, priority, due date, and task owner.)

  5. Add Timeline Entry. Create a Timeline Entry for the current Visitor or Account.


How do you match Koala accounts to HubSpot Companies?

For every account on your site, Koala has a list of a domain (eg., and all associated domain aliases (eg.,,,, etc.). We will search your CRM for the primary domain and all aliases, trying to find matches to the Account object’s domain field. If that isn’t set, Koala will use website instead.

If Koala finds multiple Company objects matching a domain, we’ll pick the Company that was modified most recently.

How do you match Koala contacts to HubSpot Contacts?

Contacts will be matched when an example email match happens between the Contact object and the Koala profile email.


Having issues with the HubSpot integration? Email the Koala team with your questions at [email protected]!