Automation Credits
Understand how Automation Credits are used.
Automations are available to try on all plans, including our free plan.
Our free plan, and older plans include a limited number of trial credits, allowing you to try out automations before exploring a paid plan that includes a monthly allotment. You’ll see your total available credits on the automations overview page for both Automated Actions and Auto Outbound.
Our Growth plan includes 1,000 webhook credits per month + 100 Auto Outbound prospects per month.
Meanwhile our Business tier plan includes unlimited credits for automated actions and automated outbound, and is not limited to just webhooks — you can use any supported destination.
Understanding Credits
Each Automation that gets triggered and successfully completes will consume 1 credit from your available credit pool.
There are separate pools for Actions, Auto Outbound and Slack Alerts, so you can try all three products individually on your own time.
When are credits consumed?
Action Credits: Credits are consumed when any Action is triggered and completes successfully. i.e. when intent data is delivered to your destination.
Auto Outbound Credits: Credits are consumed when any Auto Outbound prospect is sent to your outbound destination (Salesforce, HubSpot, Apollo, Outreach, Instantly, Webhooks and more).
- Auto Outbound credits will not be consumed if the prospect is not sent due to a filter or a condition.
- Auto Outbound credits will not be consumed if Autopilot is off, until you’ve manually reviewed and synced the prospect to your destination.
Slack Alert Credits: Credits are used each time a Slack alert is sent to a slack channel.
Credit Limits
- Slack credits are counted per month, and reset on the first day of your subscription start date.
- Action and Auto Outbound credits are counted cumulatively for your workspace, and do not reset.
- There’s no limit on the number of Automations you can create, only on the number of times they can run.
The following table shows the credit limits for each plan:
Plan | Action Credits | Auto Outbound Credits | Slack Alert Credits |
Free + Other | 100 trial credits | 10 trial credits | 250 alerts /mo |
Growth | 1,000 webhooks /mo | 100 leads /mo | Unlimited |
Business | Unlimited | Unlimited | Unlimited |
What happens when I run out of credits?
When you run out of credits, your Automations will not run until you have more credits available.
For trial credits, once these are used up, your Automations will stop running until you upgrade to a paid plan that includes monthly or unlimited credits.
Slack Alert credits will reset monthly based on your workspace’s billing cycle.