Warm outbound messaging focuses on providing value to your prospects based on their specific actions and needs. This guide offers useful tips on how to effectively use Koala’s account and visitor data to support prospects as they progress through their buying journey.

Key Principles for Warm Outbound Messaging

  1. Speed to Lead: Send a message as soon as you notice intent, even if it’s a simple message. Acting quickly is better than waiting to send the perfect message, as the prospect’s interest may wane.

  2. Guide Them: When a prospect visits your site or product, think about the next valuable resource you can share with them based on their interests. For example, if they’re looking at an enterprise solutions page, you might want to share a guide on what large team expansion looks like. Be available via email to answer quick questions or share best practices.

  3. Understand What Your Prospect Cares About: Use Koala’s account & visitor data to quickly understand each person’s motivations, engagement level, and specific interests.

  4. Be Genuinely Helpful: After understanding their interests, figure out how you can genuinely help them. Identify where they are stuck and offer assistance. Simple, genuinely helpful messages perform better than long sequences.

  5. Engage Naturally: Choose the most natural way to engage from the prospect’s point of view. Use email to ensure your message hits their inbox, try Linkedin if it is a more informal chat, or consider using Slack Connect for real-time engagement with top accounts.

What Does Value-Add Messaging Look Like?

“I’m your account manager – I just wanted to create a direct line for questions if you had anything I could answer over email.”

“Given that you were looking at X, I thought Y might be interesting to you as I just helped Y solve this.”

“Would it be helpful to hear best practices around X? Just helped [social proof customers] with this recently.”

“Connecting the dots/multithreading: I saw that X, Y, Z were all poking around. Would it be helpful to get the team together for a top-to-bottom demo?”

Engaging Known vs. Anonymous Users

Known Users: You can be more direct. For example, “I noticed you were checking out our enterprise solutions pages. I’m curious to understand your use case.”

Anonymous Users: Use slightly less definitive language. For instance, instead of “I saw you on the site,” you could say “I saw someone from X on the site” or even not reference the site activity.

Leveraging Multithreading

If you see multiple visitors from the same account, it’s a great opportunity to bring them together for a collective demo or to answer their questions.

Messaging Inspiration

Below are a couple of examples of how you can tailor your messaging based on specific signals. For a full bank of templates, click here.

Pricing Page Signals

Plan Recommendations

Email Subject: Plan recommendations

Hi [First Name],

Saw you checking out our pricing options earlier today.

Wanted to reach out to see if there was anything more I can share on our plans.

Happy to answer any questions you might have on features/scalability/support/migration.

Let me know!


[Your Name]

Evaluation Resources

Email Subject: Evaluation resources

Hi [First Name],

Saw you were exploring our pricing options earlier today.

Thought I’d share a couple of resources you might find helpful as you evaluate:

  • Support guide
  • Migration overview

Anything I can help answer right now?


[Your Name]

Tech Doc Signals

Tech Questions - Direct Access

Email Subject: CRM integration questions

Hi [First Name],

Saw you were checking out our CRM integration docs earlier today.

Wanted to reach out to see if you needed a technical perspective on anything right now.

Any questions I can help answer?


[Your Name]

Developer/Community Invite

Email Subject: [Your Company] - Developer community invite

Hi [First Name],

Saw you were checking out our integration docs earlier today.

Wanted to send over an invite to our developer community. We’ve got a ton of folks who are sharing their experiences on best leveraging the platform, which I think you might find useful!

Anything I can help answer right now?


[Your Name]

Subject Line Tips

Use short, casual subject lines (2-3 words) instead of overly salesy ones to improve open rates.

By following these tips and effectively using Koala data, you can create warm outbound messages that provide value and meaningfully engage prospects.

Happy selling!